Santa Maria Community Services Awarded $25,000 for COVID-19 Relief from The Charles H. Dater Foundation

CINCINNATI, OH – Santa Maria Community Services is pleased to announce it has been awarded $25,000 from The Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. toward COVID-19 relief to help meet the critical needs of our community.

Santa Maria will be using the grant funds to provide the following to the families that we serve: formula for children; food; Kroger gift cards for food and necessities; baby wipes; diapers; toilet paper; prescription assistance; gas cards; cleaning supplies; phone service payments; and hygiene products.

“Santa Maria is grateful for the generous grant from The Charles H. Dater Foundation. This investment demonstrates a commitment to caring for our Price Hill neighbors in need,” said H.A. Musser, President and CEO of Santa Maria Community Services. “The $25,000 grant is another example of funders helping mitigate the impact to economic insecurity associated with the COVID-19 outbreak.” The Charles H. Dater Foundation has been an annual supporter of Santa Maria’s work for more than 30 years.

The Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1985 and makes grants to nonprofit organizations in the Greater Cincinnati area to carry out projects that benefit children and focus in the areas of arts/culture, education. healthcare. social services and other community needs. Charles H. Dater (1912-1993) established the foundation to ensure that funding for worthwhile community programs would continue after his death. The Foundation honors the memory and preserves the philanthropic commitment of Charles and his ancestors, whose hard work and business acumen over four generations provided them with the opportunity to share their success with their community. More information at

Santa Maria Community Services, Inc. is an independent, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization originally founded by the Sisters of Charity in 1897 and place-based in Cincinnati Ohio’s Price Hill community. Santa Maria provides more than 3,000 individuals with educational tools and resources to build strong families, promote healthy residents, and foster neighborhood revitalization. Our Price Hill Family Centers provide a welcoming environment and the coaching, support, and flexibility to assist families to achieve their identified goals toward stabilization and self-sufficiency. Our mission is to be a catalyst and advocate for Greater Price Hill families to attain their educational, financial, and health goals. Our vision is for Greater Price Hill to be a vibrant, thriving, and self-sustaining community. More information at

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Christy Cauley                                                                      

Santa Maria Community Services

(513) 227-6023