Ana Luz Isidro Morales (Ana) is mom to Mayliss-7 and Alan-2. She and her husband, Ilsias share a home with her two brothers, Humberto and Catalino. Originally from Guatemala, Ana’s family has been living in Price Hill for eight years.
Two years ago, as the young family struggled to make ends meet, they sought Santa Maria’s assistance with diapers and early childhood development. They were able to receive diapers via Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank who donates diapers to Santa Maria’s clients every month. Ana and Alan also entered Santa Maria’s Every Child Succeeds Program to help with Alan’s developmental skills.
The Every Child Succeeds (ECS) program promotes positive parenting and healthy child development both prenatally and during the crucial first 3 years of life. Alan was able to reach all of his developmental milestones thanks to ECS. He can do age-appropriate things like following simple instructions, standing on his tiptoes, and naming items in a picture book.
“Ana is very kind and a pleasure to work with,” said Ana’s Santa Maria coach, Jessica Gries, who is a bilingual Every Child Succeeds Navigator. “Ana is doing her best to care for her family. She is a frequent communicator, which makes it easy for her coach and family support worker to know what she needs and how we can help her,” Jessica said. Aracely Herrera, Ana’s Santa Maria Bilingual Family Support Worker, agrees. “Ana is committed, always has positive communication, and enjoys time together with her family.”
In addition to ECS and assistance with baby supplies, Ana has also sought Santa Maria’s assistance with housing. Her coach helped her complete a rental application to move into a new house. Jessica also communicated on Ana’s behalf with the landlord and various utility companies. Jessica said, “I hope that Ana now feels empowered to continue advocating for herself.”
Ana believes that the biggest obstacle for her family is the language barrier. Not being able to speak English limits their independence and options, she said. But now Ana is looking toward the future by taking English as a Second Language classes with Santa Maria. When asked about her goals, Ana replied “seguir adelante,” which means “continue moving forward.” And that is exactly what she intends to do. Aracely said Ana has taught her to, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
Won’t you please help Santa Maria continue helping families like the Morales family help themselves? As Ana said, “For people who do not have a lot, Santa Maria helps so much.”
2024 UPDATE:
When Ana Luz first moved her family into their Cincinnati home, they were assured that the problems present in the space would be fixed. From uneven flooring, to lead paint, to no hot or cold water, and no working refrigerator, issues were popping up left and right. When Ana Luz asked her landlord if the issues could be fixed, like she was promised, the landlord refused to fix anything or make the home more habitable, and even became angry and threatened Ana Luz and her family.
With the help of Stable Families Coordinator, Francesca Philis, Ana Luz has continued on her journey of advocating for herself. After several attempts to move out and find better housing, Francesa was able to help Ana Luz and her family move into a new home with all of the necessities needed to raise her family. With no poisonous paint or expiring food looming over them, Ana Luz and her family have been able to thrive in their new home, feeling safe and comfortable.
It is because of your support that team members like Francesca can help families like Ana Luz’s find safety, security, and stability. To hear more about Ana Luz’s story, and Francesca’s own journey of supporting the families she serves, click the video below.