On Saturday, October 7, Santa Maria joined partners and community health organizations for the 19th year to host the annual Price Hill Women’s Health Fair. The health fair provided free health screenings to attendees including BMI, HIV/HepC, blood pressure, blood glucose, A1C, and depression screenings, hearing tests, pap smears, mammograms, and healing therapies. 22 exhibitors, 13 providers, and 107 volunteers participated in this year’s event where 204 health screenings were performed. Volunteers included interpreters for Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Hindi, Greek, Farsi, Bahasa Indonesia, Twi, Ga, Fante, and Portuguese. In addition to health screenings, the health fair offered free community health resources, food, childcare, and raffle prizes. Thank you to our partners: Cincinnati Recreation Commission; Premier Health Fidelity Health Care; Sedamsville Civic Association; SC Ministry Foundation; St. Elizabeth Health Care; Talbert House, and Urban Appalachian Community Coalition.