A thank you to the foundations that contributed first quarter of 2020

Santa Maria Community Services is pleased to announce that, in addition to the $40,000 received in two grants from United Way and Greater Cincinnati Foundation for COVID-19 relief, we have received four grants supporting our programs and services during the first quarter of 2020.

The grants were awarded by the Scripps Howard Foundation, Jack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust, Project LIFT Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, and the SC Ministry Foundation for the following programs and services:

  1. Scripps Howard Foundation awarded Santa Maria $2,000 through the Scripps Howard Communications Internship Program which provides the agency’s Development Department with a Marketing/Communications student intern for 2020.
  2. Jack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust awarded Santa Maria $15,0000 for the Youth Development Program which provides Lower Price Hill youth with opportunities to develop life skills, build character, and participate in healthy recreational activities.
  3. Project LIFT Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation awarded Santa Maria $5,000 for client assistance to help remove barriers that keep families from achieving their goals toward stability.
  4. SC Ministry Foundation awarded Santa Maria a grant for our Promoting our Preschoolers (POP) program, a family-focused kindergarten-readiness program that works collaboratively with families, schools, and the community through home visitation.