Peruvian dancers impress while Educating

Peruvian dancers certainly have flair! The dance troupe Los Embajadores Peruanos recently visited the Youth Enrichment Program at Santa Maria to highlight Peruvian culture. And this group has some great moves!

Los Embajadores Peruanos (The Peruvian Ambassadors) is a cultural organization that promotes and shares the rich and diverse culture of beautiful Peru throughout the Greater Cincinnati area. The dancers shared their passion for traditional Peruvian dancing while entertaining the Santa Maria audience.

The group’s choreographies reflect the traditional dances and customs from different regions of Peru (the Andes, the Amazon and the coastline). Every dance has its own story and meaning.

Each dance is inspired by Peru’s best folklore representatives and by the originality and experience of the group’s dancers. Each colorful costume worn by the dancers is handmade by Peruvian artisans.