
June 2016

Rolandis first heard about Santa Maria through his brother who introduced him to the Workforce Development Program where he sought job readiness and resume skills. He was able to build a relationship with the Workforce Contracts & Data Director, Thanapat Vichitchot, who kept in contact with him throughout the years.

Over time Rolandis was recommended to go to school and began attending classes with Education Matters in Lower Price Hill. He graduated and went on to college at Cincinnati State and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Business. Rolandis considers himself an over achiever and is proud of being both a first-generation high school graduate and college student. He also works two jobs to support this family.

At 25 years old, he has big dreams and is not afraid to pursue them. For instance, he began working on a business plan with the hopes of starting his own business, and within the span of a few months he was completing an entrepreneurial course with MORTAR Cincinnati and pitching his business plan to a crowd of onlookers. His pitch, which was held in the heart of Over-the-Rhine, won 2nd place.

His restaurant enterprise, called iCleanology, specializes in the eco-friendly cleanly practices for regular maintenance as well as deeper cleaning and grease removal. He hopes to leave a successful business in his family in the future.